Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Plethora of Plums

Beechwood Orchards featured three varieties of plums today at the South & Passyunk Farmer’s Market. Dave was kind enough, since it was slow, to mix them and a couple apricots in the same pint for me. Price for all is $3.50/pint.

Sam Consylman brought his copy of Lost Crops of the Incas from National Academies Press to Earl Livengood’s stand today. That was so he could show his regular customers the section and photos of Oca, a crop he’s growing this fall. This tuber-like root veggie is slow to grow and won’t be ready for harvest until November. They can be treated like potatoes or, when particularly sweet (which can be enhanced by sun-drying) like a fruit. Although Andean in origin, it’s grown commercially in New Zealand.

Hurry up to get those sour cherries. Only Beechwood had them today, as the season draws near to its close. There might be some this weekend at farmers’ markets. No sweet cherries today at South Street. Is this the end of that season?

It’s not a good idea to go food shopping when you’re hungry. So for the second time in abut a month, I dined al fresco at S&B Kabob House, right across from Rineer’s stand at the market. Had a plain but refreshing “Turnksh” salad, your basic tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber, onion salad topped with feta shreds. Immediately after the salad I ran into Il Professore Andrew Fenton at the market, where he had me salivating with tales of all the fresh shrimp he cooked during a recent visit to his in-laws on Tybee Island on the Georgia coast. He found a small carton of zucchini blossoms with his name on it at Rineer’s.

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