Saturday, June 06, 2009

New Orleans at RTM?

Could be. The former proprietor of Pompano Grill is talking with Reading Terminal Market management about opening up a Louisiana style eatery in the vacant space formery occupied by Andros Gourmet, just across from Tootsie’s Salad Express. The menu would include beignettes (yeah! hot donuts!), seafood etouffé, jambalaya, etc.

Work is ready to start this coming week on the adjacent space to be occupied by S&B Meats. A mid-summer opening remains possible for this butcher shop, which will also include a cooked sausage stand.


phillychuck said...

Just to tell you, I LIKE your blog - and have seen you both at RTM and Headhouse. Keep up the fine work.

Bob Libkind said...

thanks, phillychuck. Say hello next time you see me and introduce yourself!

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